Will Finance: You can buy this lot with $500 dollars downpayment and monthly payments of $99 dollars a month at 10% interest. No pre-payment penalty. No credit check. With these terms, almost anyone can buy land! Buy it now, before someone else does … call/text me at: 347-557-5487 / email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
Special Bonus Gift: Buy it now, or even with the down payment ($500) and monthly payments ($99 dollars a month) and I’ll throw in access to …
1) Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land ($97-dollar value)

Reveals the little-known strategies you can use to find, buy, and flip properties–land, houses, mobile homes–in Florida or anywhere else in the U.S. for fun and profit. If a college dropout (me) can do this, so can you.
2) Find Florida Land – Action Plan ($37-dollar value)

The action plan you can use to get started implementing the strategies in “Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land”
3) The Power of Financing ($37-dollar value)

Discover the power of financing and use this to earn thousands of dollars brokering deals between buyers and sellers. Works in any market and in any economy.
4) Personal consultation ($9,997-dollar value)

Reveals the little-known strategies you can use to find, buy, and flip properties–land, houses, mobile homes–in Florida or anywhere else in the U.S. for fun and profit. If a college dropout (me) can do this, so can you.
2) Find Florida Land – Action Plan ($37-dollar value)

The action plan you can use to get started implementing the strategies in “Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land”
3) The Power of Financing ($37-dollar value)

Discover the power of financing and use this to earn thousands of dollars brokering deals between buyers and sellers. Works in any market and in any economy.
4) Personal consultation ($9,997-dollar value)

Discover the power of financing and use this to earn thousands of dollars brokering deals between buyers and sellers. Works in any market and in any economy.
4) Personal consultation ($9,997-dollar value)
Personal consultation with me, Kris Kemp, via email or phone conversation, 15 minutes a week, for a full year ($9,997-dollar value)
That’s an added value of: $10,168 dollars!
To Grab all the Bonus Gifts above, a value of $1,168 dollars, buy it now, before someone else does … call/text me at: 347-557-5487 / email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The Property
Grab this beautiful land in Florida! Finance with only $500 down and affordable monthly payments!
Only $4,900 dollars! Finance with $500 down. No credit check! Affordable monthly payments!
Click the Google Maps link below to see it up close:
A 7-minute drive to public boat ramp (Fowler’s Bluff) to the Suwannee River!
Beautiful Florida land – raw, untamed, treed – 40’x 100’ feet (40,000 square feet) with 40’ on NW 58th Place, Levy County, Florida.
.09 acre – Levy County, Florida
40′ x 100′ lot with 40′ road frontage on NW 58th Place, Levy County, Florida; 4,000 square feet
parcel ID #: 0109718600
To verify, visit: qpublic.net/Levy
1. Click on “search records”
2. Click the “accept” button
3. Search for Parcel ID number: 0109718600
Please note: As this is a 40′ x 100′ lot (4,000 square feet) it is good for camping. You can camp here for up to 14 days a month. At the moment, there is no septic, well, or power in place, so please bring your own power supply, water, and waste disposal system when camping.
Buy it now:
sales price: $4,900
open to financing with $500 downpayment
contact: Michael Kemp / 347-557-5487 / bicycledays@yahoo.com
.09 acre (40’ x 100’ / 4,000 square feet) 40’ road frontage on NW 57th PL
Your own camping lot! Bring your fishing poles!
Due to the fact that it is 40’ wide x 100’ deep, this lot is good for recreational purposes. You can camp here for up to 14 days a month. Bring your fishing poles! The Suwannee River is only 7 minutes away, with access via Fowler’s Bluff, a public boat ramp.
Possibilities galore:
If you buy 2 lots next to you, so you end up with 3 lots, that’s enough room for the setback requirements for well and septic, so you can build your dream cabin, your dream cottage, a getaway cabin or mobile home, or even a tiny house!
7 minutes from the Suwannee River!
You are 7 miles away from the Suwannee River at Fowler’s Bluff, a free public boat ramp with a cool restaurant and bait/tackle/supply shop next door.
Safe and friendly community:
This is a really cool area—old Florida, safe, friendly community, a great place to raise children, with plenty of churches and state parks nearby. This is the undiscovered gem of Florida—Northwest Florida.
Amazing lot in amazing place!
These lots are likely to go very fast. In fact, they are being snapped up very quickly once people find out about this secret spot.
Grab this lot, before someone else does!
You can use it for 14 consecutive days tent camping or even parking your RV (Recreational Vehicle)
At the moment, there are no utilities on the property, so you if you RV camp, please keep that in mind.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
For Building & Zoning questions, visit: LevyCounty.org
Location: Jemlands unrecorded subdivision, Levy County, Florida
About Jemlands:
The Jemlands Lots are about 9 miles from Chiefland where Walmart, restaurants (BBQ Bills), library, walk in clinics, hotels, school, community college, and banks. Chiefland also has Manatee Springs State Park that has folks from everywhere coming there. Jemlands are also about 7 miles from the Suwannee River by access to a boat ramp in Fowler’s Bluff.
Safe, rural, old Florida with nice, friendly people, beautiful state parks and springs, and the historic Suwannee River. This is raw, untamed Florida land.
9 miles: the town of Chiefland, with a 24-hour Walmart, restaurants, walk-in clinic, hotels, schools, and community college.
9 miles: Manatee Springs State Park (drawing folks from all over)
7 miles: The historic Suwannee River with boat ramp at Fowler’s Bluff
This area is an undiscovered gem in Northwest Florida. Maybe that’s why it’s called “Jemlands”. Get it while you can, before someone else does.
Comparable sales for lots this size in the same area:
.09 acres (40’x 100’ lot / parcel ID # 0109752300) sold (7/1/2004) – $5,100
.09 acres (40’ x 100’ / parcel ID #: 0109798900) sold (5/16/2007) – $14,000
Hurry, get it before it’s gone!
Call/Text: 347-557-5487 / email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
.09 acre – Levy County, Florida
40′ x 100′ lot / 4,000 square feet
parcel ID #: 0109718600
Good for camping for up to 14 days a month! Suwannee River is only 7 minutes away with boat ramp at Fowler’s Bluff.
sales price: $4,900
open to financing with $500 downpayment
contact: Michael Kemp / 347-557-5487 / bicycledays@yahoo.com
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Helpful websites:
Levy County property appraiser
gov’t agencies
Levy County Clerk of Courts & Comptroller
Levy tax collector
Levy County boat ramps, public parks
Williston, Florida (Levy County) – safest place to live
Chiefland, Florida (Levy County) – safest place to live
http://www.qpublic.net/fl/levy/zoning.html – zoning
Title Companies
Levy Abstract and Title
Levy County, FL
Gilchrist Title
Gilchrist County, FL
Banker’s Title
Old Town, FL
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
For Sale By Owner:
.09 acre – Levy County, Florida
40′ x 100′ lot / 4,000 square feet
40′ road frontage on NW 58th PL
parcel ID #: 0109718600
Good for recreational purposes (camping)
sales price: $4,900
open to financing with $500 downpayment
contact: Michael Kemp / 347-557-5487 / bicycledays@yahoo.com
Grab this piece of Florida land before someone else does!
Call/text me at: 347-557-5487
Email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
Click the Google Maps link below to see it up close: